  • Item sold is strictly NOT refundable (except in the case of supplier stock shortage)
  • Upon receiving your parcel from courier services, kindly take a clear video of unboxing in order to make sure the initial condition of the item.
  • Please check the item THOROUGHLY after unboxing, make sure all parts are complete & in good condition.
  • Exchange/return is acceptable for item with considerable level of manufacturing defect, within 5 DAYS from the receipt date. Kindly refer below for exchangeable/returnable manufacturing defect(s):
  1. Visible crack, broken/malfunction components (tight/loose joints are EXCLUDED).
  2. Missing parts or accessories.
  3. Uneven paint job, scratches, paint chip, weathering effects are NOT categorized as manufacturing problem.
  4. Contrived damage (user intent/own careless) will NOT be entertained.
  5. Double cellophane tape sealing (on random item) is due to manufacturer quality control (QC) checking.
  • Return postage - bear by customer.
  • Images shown on our website are for reference/illustration purpose only, exact item could be slightly different, in terms of sculpting, detailing, coloring, and color tone.
  • As all the items sold are MISB/Mint in Sealed Box (except stated), therefore they are not open for checking prior to shipping/COD. We will make sure the item purchased to be sent out in its original condition.
  • Photos of the item(s) will be taken during packing/shipment preparation, which also serve as reference/proof for any possible dispute.
  • Action figures, model kits & any related products are fine adult collectibles, meant for SERIOUS collector/buyer only.
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